Set up Git
Removing non-repository files with git?
How do I discard unstaged changes in Git?
a)For a specific file use:
git checkout path/to/file/to/revert
b)For all unstaged files use:
git checkout -- .
Make sure to include the period at the end.
c)To check out specific filesgit checkout -- cats.html index.html
git branch -a -- lists all branchesgit push origin :branchnamehere -- to delete the remote branch(note semicolin before branchname)
git remote show origin -- checks for stale branches tracking origin
git remote prune origin -- to clean up deleted remote branches
git tag -- list all tags
git tag -a v0.1.2.3 -m "versioncomments" -- add a new tag
git push --tags -- to push new tags
git fetch -- pulls down the history but does not merge
rebase vs Merge
Rule of thumb:
1. When pulling changes from origin/develop onto your local develop use rebase.
git pull --rebase
2. When finishing a feature branch merge the changes back to develop.
rebase vs Merge
Rule of thumb:
1. When pulling changes from origin/develop onto your local develop use rebase.
git pull --rebase
2. When finishing a feature branch merge the changes back to develop.